Why not begin the year thinking about what you can do at the end of the year?

Memory Makers will get students excited and reflecting. Memory Makers is just that, students are the makers of memories. This idea allows students to write down memories that they want to remember later down the road. It can be a funny memory about a friend on the playground or what the teacher did in class. It can be a serious memory about a science experiment that they thought was exciting or a good grade they got on a math test.
Memories are endless!
Here is how it works…When the kids stumble upon a memorable moment, they write it down on the Memory Maker slip. Of course, they don’t want to forget to put their name and date on their moment.

Then, they place their Memory Maker slip into the well-known Memory Maker box to be held until an undisclosed future date.

You might be wondering what we will be doing with all these memories. Well, here is the best part! We collect them! The box gets full, so I have to take them out and place the memories into a secure location. We make and collect memories all…year…long.
You know those last two/three weeks of school when you and the students are anxiously waiting for summer vacation to begin? That is when our memories are brought back to life. We read them, share them, and converse. We make new memories. Students always want their memories back, so they get them back. Then they make a memory book of their own where they glue in their memories and make more.
I would say this is PRICELESS!
If you like the idea and want to implement Memory Makers in your classroom, you can download the FREE printable HERE.

Now…go make some memories! 🙂