December?!?! Really?!? I do think that this school year is going by faster than any other school year so far!
Free Printables
I have…Who has… Just For Fun Christmas Theme.

Exit Slips

Christmas Coupon Book
Student gifts on a budget..print the coupon book and you have an instant gift students will love!
Read Alouds
One of my favorite read alouds is The Best Christmas Pageant Ever by Barbara Robinson. It’s a short chapter book, but be prepared to omit a handful of words.
Click HERE to see all my favorites!
As we all know, some books have movies too! To justify watching the movie after reading a book, I have my students compare and contrast the book with the movie. These are the graphic organizers that we use. You can grab them here, in the free resource library.
10 Classroom Gift Exchange Ideas
Go beyond the traditional boy gets boy gift, girl gets girl gift exchange with these ten classroom gift exchange ideas!
Additional Printables
My favorite and my students’ favorite is the Outrageously True ~ Christmas Around the World Edition!
Christmas Around the World STEM Challenges are a perfect addition if you are incorporating Christmas Around the World activities!
Add a little color to the season with the December Color By Number for 3rd and 4th grade!

Here is to wishing you a nonstressful few weeks until the long-deserved winter break!