The monthly color by numbers provides students with opportunities to review skills previously learned and is aligned specifically to each grade level.
Students complete a math problem, record the answer, and then color its corresponding part within the picture.
These are great for morning work, early finishers, and/or homework while providing students with a variety.
The December Color by Number for 4th Grade covers the following standards:
4.OA.1 Multiplication Equations as Comparisons
4.OA.2 Multiplicative Comparison Word Problems
4.OA.3 Multi-Step Word Problems
4.OA.4 Prime & Composite Multiples & Factors
4.OA.5 Patterns
4.NBT.5 Multiplication
4.NBT.6 Division
4.NF.1 Equivalent Fractions
4.NF.2 Compare Fractions
4.NF.3 Add & Subtract Fractions
4.NF.4 Multiply Fractions by Whole Numbers
**Answer keys are included!