January Teaching Resources
It’s already the 8th day of January?!?! Today my students are returning from their 2+ weeks off. Our teachers returned yesterday. I’m so very thankful
It’s already the 8th day of January?!?! Today my students are returning from their 2+ weeks off. Our teachers returned yesterday. I’m so very thankful
A weekly blog series to assist in the implementation of RTI in Math. This has been a long time coming. Months of research and reading
Last week I introduced character traits to my students. We are reading Freckle Juice by Judy Blume. Determining character traits to describe Andrew, is pretty
What does a beach ball have to do with prefixes and suffixes? Then, add in some Sharpie markers. Beach ball + Sharpie markers = ????
It has been a long time since I have blogged about cooperative learning strategies. They tend to become second nature to me, and I forget
Have you ever required your students to fill out an exit slip at the conclusion of a lesson or as a ticket out the door?
Caught with Character is a bulletin board that I use in my classroom. It’s fun, interactive, and allows students to highlight the good character they
We all have those students that raise their hand and say, “I’m done, now what do I do?” We also have those who finish with
Getting your students to practice multiplication facts can be a challenge. I have compiled 10 ways to practice multiplication facts, that my students have enjoyed.
Writing quality constructed responses can be difficult for students to do. Now days, and even more so in the future, students are and will be