October Color By Number for 4th Grade Math
The monthly color by numbers provides students with opportunities to review skills previously learned and is aligned specifically to each grade level.
Students complete a math problem, record the answer, and then color its corresponding part within the picture.
These are great for morning work, early finishers, and/or homework while providing students with a variety.
The October Color by Number for 4th Grade covers the following standards:
4.OA.1 Multiplication Equations as Comparisons
4.OA.2 Multiplicative Comparison Word Problems
4.OA.3 Multi-Step Word Problems
4.OA.4 Prime and Composite Multiples and Factors
4.OA.5 Patterns
4.NBT.1 Place Value
4.NBT.2 Compare Numbers
4.NBT.3 Round Numbers
4.NBT.4 Add and Subtract Whole Numbers
4.NBT.5 Multiplication
**Answer keys are included!